Phagocytic leukocytes are specialized White blood cells – WBCs – that can eat and digest microorganisms, foreign substances, abnormal cells, cellular debris and waste products. You can consider them as the body’s garbage collectors.
First of all , lets explain what does a ” phagocyte ” mean 🙂 :
“ phago ” comes from the greek word ” phagein ” which means “ eat “
“ Cyte ” means “ cell “
so , a phagocyte is an eating cell
the phagocyte surrounds it’s meal with cytoplasmic extensions then engulf it , then release lysozomal enzymes & free radicals to digest it
Here is an animation that illustrates the process of Phagocytosis 🙂
Hint : when a cell eats something ” bacteria , parasite , .. etc ” we call the process Phagocytosis , while when a cell drinks something “extra\intracellular fluids ” the process is called Pinocytosis
In the human body exists 4 different types of leukocytes that can perform Phagocytosis :
Denderitic cells
activated Monocytes ( Macrophages )
a small mnemonic to help in memorizing these types is ” D-MEN ” .. ( Inspired by the movie X-MEN )
i’ll take about the basic information of each type in the lines below 🙂
1- Dendritic cells 
After phagocytosis , Dendritic cells start digesting the pathogen and breaking his body into pieces ,
Then , the dendritic cell cuts of a certain piece of the pathogen ” called Antigen ” and attaches that antigen on a special part of it’s surface Known as Major histo compatibility complex (MHC)
When a dendritic cell carries MHC complex \ Antigen complex it is called ” Antigen presenting cell “
now .. the dendritic antigen presenting cell presents the Antigen to the T-lymphocytes causing their activation

Notice the Numerous branched cytoplasmic extensions .. that’s why it got the name ” dendritic ” 😉
2- Monocytes
==> activation==> Macrophages 
Monocytes work as wondering gaurds .. they circulate in the blood stream with the blood and keep starring at the body’s tissues and cells to make sure they are Okay and healthy
when Monocytes discover a bacterial infection within some tissues they diffuse out of the blood into the affected tissues , Grow in size and become 15 -20 times larger .. these activated Monocytes in the tissues are Known as Macrophages ” big eaters ” ( in greek : Macro = big & phag = phagein = eat )
Luckily , the Macrophages favourite meal is Bacteria .. so they eat up the bacteria that invade the body
Macrophages are named differently according to the type tissue they are found in ..
examples :
macrophages of liver = Kupffer cells
macrophages of skin = langerhans cells
macrophages of bone = Osteoclastic cells
Macrophages of Neurons = Glial cells
Hint : Macrophages are not found in the blood stream
microscopical identification
Monocytes are Not granular , they have a clear cytoplasm and characterestic kidney shaped ( horse shoe ) Nucleus
Macrophages are large leukocytic cells and found in inflamed or damaged tissues Not in blood
wanna see live macrophages & dendritic cells ? ?
watch this Video 😎
another type of phagocytic cells is Eosinophils
– Eosinophil’s favorite meal is Multi cellular parasites as Ascaris , anclystoma . . . etc
microscopical identificationEosinophils contain certain granules that are stained red with eosin dye , very charactarestic red color appears in the eosinophil’s cytoplasm when examined under the microscope .
4- Neutrophils 
Neutrophils are the first line of defence against bacterial invasions ,
The Majority of the leukocytes in the human body are Neutrophils ( 60 -70 % )
microscopical identification
they are granulated cells like eosinophils but are not stained red with eosin .
Neutrophils have a Very characterestic loped Nucleus , that appears as separate nuclear bodies distributed in the cell when examined under the microscope
for this reason , Neutrophils are called poly morphonuclear neutrophils ” PMNs“
>> Wishing you powerful healthy phagocytes with good appetite for all evil pathogens <<
References :
– ” Human Physiology : From Cells to Systems ” , By Lauralee Sherwood
– ” Lectures in principles of pharmacology ” , text book by department of Phamacology & toxicology in my Faculty
جزاك الله كل خير
🙂 🙂 🙂
Amen ,
thank you 🙂
neat ,
I like Monocytes ==> activation==> Macrophages phartoon =]]
thank you
Thank you :happy:
i like :heart:
i like :heart:
i like :heart:
i like :heart:
i like :heart:
I’m glad you like it :happy:
:heart: Welcome :heart:
This is very cute……
God Bless you Bonbontyyyyy……
Thank you , welcome Al shaima 🙂
thanx >>>>>>>>
please help
more information about leukocytes in broiler
MSA omnia ! !!
U are Wonderful
I love u and ur phartoonzzzz :heart:
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: 😎 :cheerful: :blush: :angry: :cheerful: :w00t: :tongue:
wow thats great cartoons thank u :biggrin: :happy: :heart: :kissing: 😆
useful cartoonization to memorize a difficult subject
Can we use your eosinophil photo in my website
Sure :happy: , it’s an honor to share toons with you Dr. Nadia :happy:
welcome all the time ^_^
<3 i liked it very much so interesting i put it to my colleagues at college ^^