B receptors mnemonics
A phartoon to remember the major site of action for Beta receptors.
B1 receptors -> you have 1 heart.
B2 receptors -> you have 2 lungs.
Response upon activation :
Beta 1 receptors (B1-Receptors) :
- Cardiac stimulation , producing chronotropy and inotropy effect.
- Increase renin release
Beta 2 receptors (B2-Receptors ) :
- Broncho-dilation.
- Dilation of smooth muscles of blood vessels.
- Uterine smooth muscle relaxation.
Beta 3 receptors (B3-Receptors) :
- breaks down the fats in your body (lypolysis) .
- Thermogenesis a process of generating heat in your body.
So B3 Receptors Breaks your FATS (lypolysis) into HEAT (Thermogenesis) !?