Chlorin e6 (Ce6) improves night vision :
Chlorin e6 (Ce6) has been used for treating cancer , it has light amplification properties. science for the masses produced an eye drops containing Ce6 , insulin & saline. The mixture has found to increase the night vision. The solution works with onset of one hour and its effect lasts for many hours.
Testing :
The user with Ce6 and other 4 controls ( without Ce6) have been taken for testing , there are 3 types of tests done :
- Symbol recognition by distance.
- Symbol recognition on varying background colours within fixed distance.
- Recognition of moving objects with different backgrounds and different distance.
Result :
The Ce6 user has identified all objects 100% , using a laser pointer to identify them compared to the control group ( NON Ce6) 33% .
The using of light amplification technique has many adverse events on the structure of the eyes , said by the paper author. So don’t try this at home :ninja:
Why Insulin ?
The role of Insulin in the mixture facilitate the absorption of the Ce6 into the eye’s chamber.
The full paper PDF here.