This is how to quickly remember the clinical uses of one of the most popular antibiotics, Metronidazole. GET A METRO G :...
Author - Phartoonz
List of electrolytes and their normal range
What are the common electrolytes in the body? Calcium. Chloride. Magnesium. Phosphorus. Potassium. Sodium. Electrolytes are...
Antibiogram Template chart (excel sheet)
What is Antibiogram? The hospital antibiogram is a periodic summary of antimicrobial susceptibilities of local bacterial isolates...
Stroke at a glance – F.A.S.T Signs
Stroke at a glance Similar to heart attack, stroke is a brain attack due to ischemia (Blood doesn’t flow well to the brain...
Benzodiazepines in Liver Failure
Benzodiazepines are Anticonvulsant—Anxiolytic—Hypnotic—Sedative. Mechanism of Action of Benzodiazepines: Benzodiazepines...
How to remember Cardio Selective Beta Blockers
Beta Blockers Beta blockers are important in pharmacology, there are two types of Beta blockers: Non selective: that means they...
This information is updated on 31 Jan 2020 regarding COVID-19 What’s up? COVID-19(2019-novel coronavirus) Middle East...
2019 Novel Coronavirus – Safety tips
2019–20 China pneumonia outbreak (Novel Coronavirus) Safety tips
Ligaments VS Tendons
This is a quick tip on how to remember the difference between ligaments and tendons as well as the injuries of both like Sprain...
New Antibiotics Spectrum for problematic pathogens
It is a nightmare for ID physicians and microbiologists when it comes to select appropriate antibiotics to fight problematic...