Gram staining is a common method used to differentiate between two groups of bacteria depending on their different cell wall...
Category - mnemonics
A category to help you with ways to remember pharmacology!
How to remember Vancomycin side effects – mnemonics
How to remember Vancomycin side effects ? Vancomycin is an anti-infective agent covering gm+v infections including MRSA. It is...
How to remember Lithium Adverse Events
Lithium salts or preparations are used to treat bipolar disorder and classified as mood stabilizers. The exact mechanism of...
How to remember Enzyme inducers and Enzyme inhibitors (mnemonics)
Enzyme inducers will increase the rate of metabolism of co-administered drugs and thus their effect will decrease or will be at...
Memorize tuberculosis drug family RIPES
How to remember drugs that are used to treat Tuberculosis: R I P E S Pharmaceutical mnemonics R : Rifampicin I : Isoniazide P :...
B receptors mnemonics
B receptors mnemonics A phartoon to remember the major site of action for Beta receptors. B1 receptors -> you have 1...