TOP 25 pharmaceutical drugs in sale 2015
Category - General
This category concerns about the site’s latest news.
How does your body react to a coke can ?
Coke is a popular drink worldwide and Coca-cola as a trademark is one of the most highly evaluated & ranked trademark...
5 Questions you have to ask before swallowing a medication
Question #1: What do you call this ? Pretty basic, as the pharmacist or technician asking you about your ID or insurance ID, you...
Commonly used pharmaceutical Antidotes
This reminds me about that episode of Sherlock show when he was confused about two tablets, one is poison and the other is not...
Pharmaceutical Substances knowledgebase
Long time away from Phartoonz :ermm: due to my personal duties & other projects that I work on. I want to share with...
what does insulin do to the body ? [Video]
When you hear the word insulin you may think of a drug taken by people who have diabetes either type 1 or type 2. Yes this...
Video – Cardiac conduction system wtih ECG / EKG
A good video that illustrate the conduction system of the heart with relationship to ECG. Here are another articles & videos...
Interactive Eye Anatomy
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”; width=”800″...
HIV (AIDS) illustrated by video
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. HIV is very similar to a virus...
Always have a bottle of water with you!
H2O is the major constituent of the fluids of organisms, even earth! Water is essential for every living organism and therefore...