When you have headache , you take an analgesic OTC like ibuprofen to treat the pain but what is behind the scene !? the process...
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B receptors mnemonics
B receptors mnemonics A phartoon to remember the major site of action for Beta receptors. B1 receptors -> you have 1...
Headache at a glance (types and management)
What is headache? Headache is a pain in the head , this pain differs depending on the type of the headache! Headache in numbers :...
How to remove fish bones from your throat
Do you love eating fish ?! Fish is a healthy food , rich in Omega3 and delicious meal , but some people don’t like it...
Calcium is your bones [Part 1]
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body , 99% is present in your bones and teeth & the other 1% of calcium is in...
7 Facts you may not know about your HEART
your HEART is not only a PUMP ! Your HEART is divided into four chambers , left and right atria on the upper part and left and...
The Ebola Virus “Infographic”
The name Ebola taken from a river called Ebola in Africa, The current outbreak of Ebola virus in 2014 is the largest and the most...
TNM staging system :)
TNM staging system is used to determine the stage of cancer in patients .. I hope this toon would help you in memorizing the...
Osmolality Wings ^^ !
Blood osmolality is kept under control by three substances 🙂 , two of them are mentioned in our Toon :angel: as you can see up...
Formulations Race :D … “Onset of different Dosage forms”
Our Toon today is very simple :happy: We have two winners in the race :cheerful: