The thymus gland is a very important part of Our immune system 🙂 It is the place where T cells are produced and taught how to do...
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“Hepatitis A” & “Hepatitis E” are Never ” C ” !
Viral hepatitis: Viral hepatitis is caused by many different types of viruses “such as : A , B , C , D, E “ Here is a...
Carditonics ” Digitalis glycosides “
Digitalis: Digitalis is a great great plant 🙂 ! , it’s leaves are rich in Glycosides which are very popular in the...
Memorizing Immunoglobulins ” Types of antibodies “
Immunoglobulins Antibodies ” immunoglobulins 😎 ” are protein molecules produced by our immune system to detect and...
Antibodies ↔ complement system >> the Body cookers !
When evil bacteria enters the human body , different types of Macrophages start attacking them and try to eat as much bacteria as...
Metabolism ( Anabolism ↔ Catabolism )
What is Metabolism ?! it’s a series of different chemical reactions and pathways that occur in all living organisms , each...
Selectivity of Beta blockers
Beta blockers prevent catecholamines ( Epinephrine & Norepinephrine ) from binding to beta receptors. Mainly , 3 types of...
10 tips | How to take care of Your Hair :)
Caring for one’s hair becomes more simple when we learn more about! 10 basic tips for a better Hair care ↓ ↓
New promising treatment for Diabetes
Doctors in china discovered a new interesting technique to treat diabetic patients in brief , They make a surgical procedure in...
Exams time ..
Mid term exams arrived . . . the worst thing about college is having to go through lots of exams and sheets :ermm: for me , i...